Love is the most beautiful thing to have. It is a deep sense of affection you have for someone. A life without love is like a sunless garden with dead flowers. To love someone is to understand each other, laugh together, smile with your heart, and trust each other.
Love is the only language for all humanity. Much like you, your boyfriend also needs to feel loved every single day. A man needs to feel desired in a relationship. He likes to feel like a man and that happens when he’s wanted and needed by a special one, you.
It’s in his evolutionary genes to love the role of being a protector and he feels good about himself when he sees himself as the provider of your happiness and security.
But if you ever make him feel like an unnecessary appendage in your life, chances are, he will subconsciously start searching for someone who needs him and wants him badly in their life.
When a man is loved, he feels special and unique which makes him feel good about himself and the relationship. He feels happy and smiles all the time. I have never seen a smiling face that wasn’t beautiful.
He assumes he plays an important part in your life and that makes him try harder to be a nicer partner because he believes his behavior towards you has an impact on your life.
True love includes respect, admiration, care and never subjecting your man to hurt, humiliation, or any form of abuse. The only thing we never get enough is love and the only thing we never give enough is love. Remember that love is an “Expression”.
You might be asking yourself a series of questions such as What do I really need to do to make my man feel special, loved, and respected? How to make your boyfriend feel special? How to make your man feel special? How to make a man feel appreciated? Well, here are a few sweet tips!
10 Unique Ways To Make Your Boyfriend Feel Special, Loved And Wanted
1. Self Love
This in its simplest terms means “love of self” or regard for one’s happiness or advantage. It means having a high regard for your well-being and happiness. It means you love, accept, and respect yourself unconditionally.
Self-love is a journey that takes dedication and devotion which is a healthy practice for your relationship. You can’t really love another until you love yourself (you don’t know “TRUE” forgiveness until you forgive yourself).
The truth is, when we are busy focusing on all the things that we can’t stand about ourselves, these destructive thoughts will manifest in our relationship with others, and eventually, we usually end up dragging other people through the mud because of the way we feel about ourselves.
When this happens, the people in our relationships become collateral damage from the war that’s taking place inside of us. We have allowed the ugly part of who we are to take control of the wheel and drive our relationship off the cliff.
If you don’t love yourself, you won’t be happy with yourself, you won’t see yourself as special and this will consciously, subconsciously, or unconsciously be rubbed on your man. Remember, you can’t give what you don’t have.
When you love yourself you can share yourself with your partner without fear. This makes him feel special and you make him a part of your life. It’s easier to give love, and high regard for respect to your man when you have a reservoir of love for yourself.
Resolve to love yourself each day and watch your man blossom in your love. This is the most important step in how to make your man feel special, loved, and respected.
Once you’ve loved yourself properly and are now loving your boyfriend how he deserves to be loved, you can now explore some couple self-care ideas because self-care is the truest form of self-love.
2. Understand His Love Language
In understanding how to make your man feel special, you have to understand his love language. Knowing your man’s love language gives you the communication to explain what is most important to meet his emotional needs and also the insight to figure out what is important to your partner so you can best meet their emotional needs.
It helps you to discern how and what they perceive love to be. According to Dr. Gary Chapman in his book “The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment To Your Mate”, the five love languages were identified as unique ways humans give and express love.
The love language describes the way we feel loved and appreciated depending on our personality types. Understanding and decoding these different ways of showing love will help take the guesswork out of your partner’s expectations and needs.
They are; “Words of Affirmation” This love language expresses love with words that build up a partner. Verbal compliments do not have to be complicated, the shortest and simplest praises can be the most effective. Words of affirmation imply that you enjoy being told you are special, unique, loved, etc.
The other is “Act of Service” which means that you appreciate when your partner does something for you. Your man might have this love language if his motto is “Actions speak louder than words”. This love language expresses itself by doing things that you know your man would like.
Cooking a meal, doing the laundry, cleaning the apartment, filling up his gas, watering his plants, etc. This love language is the most basic way on how to make a man feel appreciated.
The third love language is “Receiving Gifts”. This is one of the ways to make your man feel loved. This love language isn’t necessarily materialistic. It just means that a meaningful or thoughtful gift makes your partner feel loved and appreciated, even if it’s just a single flower, or something as simple as picking up a cup of their favorite ice cream after a long week of work.
Also, “Quality Time” could be the love language of your man. By this, you could give some alone time to both of you, just the two of you without any form of distractions.
If this is your partner’s primary language, he doesn’t just want to be included during this period, he wants to be the center of your attention. He wants his partner to look at him and him only.
Frankly speaking, this is one of my partner’s love languages. He just wants me and no one else. He wants to be my center of attention.
Sometimes, we can spend hours talking about anything and everything, watching movies, cuddling, or just looking at each other (which he does a lot. I once woke up to find out that he has been staring at me for some time and watching me sleep).
“Physical Touch” is the final love language. To people with this love language like me, nothing is more impactful than the physical touch of their spouse, they feel more connected and safe in a relationship by holding hands, kissing, hugging, cuddling, etc. Physical touch could also be in the form of a massage or something more intimate.
So, when next you think of how to make your man feel special, think about understanding his primary love language. Learning your partner’s love language will help create a stronger bond in your relationship.
3. Show Appreciation
Every day is filled with wonderful opportunities to tell that special person in your life, how grateful you are for this relationship. Appreciation in this context is the recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of your spouse. No one wants to be taken for granted. We all want to feel loved, valued and appreciated.
It is important we take some time from our day to day business to stop and say “wow sweetie, I really appreciate you. I appreciate all your hard work and I love you for being you”. Researchers refer to gratitude as a booster shot for romantic relationships.
Appreciating your man is one of the important and beneficial things you can do for your relationship. Appreciate the things he does whether big or little, even if he does not expect acknowledgment for it.
If he fills a glass of water for you or does your laundry, or help to get your cell phone or do the dishes, feed the baby, or do groceries, don’t just take it for granted, even if it is just a regular chore. THANK him for it. You will notice him smiling to himself when he thinks you have walked away.
Give him praise in front of others. Thank your man because he cares, not because it is his job. Appreciate the care and thoughtfulness he invests in this day-to-day grunt work. Tell him why you appreciate his act of kindness.
Say ‘Thank you’ every time he makes an effort to do something nice for you because it is how to make a man feel appreciated. Knowing someone is grateful never gets old. Specifying what makes you thankful shows you are sincere in your appreciation.
Say:” Thank you for taking out the garbage. It gave me some time to relax!” or “it was nice of you to play out with the kids as I was able to work on my project in peace”. Be creative. Learn to use different phrases every time.
Try some personalized phrases like; “I am grateful for …”, “I appreciate it”, “I love it when you…”, “may God bless you”.
Look for positives to appreciate even in negative circumstances. Write and leave surprise “Thank You” notes, let him know how important he is to your success. Praise and thank him in private and in public. Appreciation must be felt and expressed. If you really want to know how to make your man feel special, then appreciation is key.
4. Prioritize Him
Nothing speaks about how to make your man feel special than prioritizing him. Time is the most valuable asset in the ways to make your man feel loved because we can’t get it back after we spend it. Prioritizing your man makes him special, loved, and respected.
Your man needs to feel that he is more important than your business or job and especially more important than your mother, children, friends, sport and hobbies. Let him feel noticed. It is never great to feel like you just don’t seem to notice your partner.
It can leave them questioning if they are just not relevant anymore. Make a conscious effort and daily decision to keep your man in an uncompromising position. He loves to know you put him “FIRST” and that you’ve got his back.
If you think you are spending enough time on him but you hear him complaining about the time you spend on something else, or someone else, it’s time to look at it for the truth that is there. Are you spending time on the stuff that he mentioned instead of him?
Ignoring or not prioritizing your spouse is one of the Deadliest Relationship Killers you won’t notice and one of the Worst 8 Habits That Ruins Even The Strongest Marriages. Treat him with courtesy, sensitivity, and respect. Create time to connect with him. Connecting with your man requires intentionality in the midst of life’s demand.
Hold hands with him, book the plane tickets, and commit to it. Reprioritize your daily routine, activities, and time spent (check out 8 Couples Morning Routines To Do Before 8 AM For A Stronger Connection).
Establish what is important, after putting your husband first, then your children. Then prioritize the rest of your activities as you see fit and have time.
5. Compliment Him
10 Simple Ways To Make Him Feel Loved And Needed
This is the fifth note in our quest of how to make your man feel special. Girls aren’t the only ones who like to be told they look good, smart, bold or beautiful -of course, guys love it too! A loving woman knows that one of the many ways to help her man grow is to shower him with compliments.
Men like feeling like they have affected their partners in a positive way. If you really like your man and see him as a great partner, tell him about it. Guys feel great when they are complimented about how good they are. And it gives them the will to try harder to be an even nicer lover and win more praises.
Call him by his endearment. Often times people have endearment for the ones they love. It can be as simple as baby, honey, sugar, love, but it can also be a personalized nickname that both of you came up with. You can totally make your man’s heart melt by calling him his endearment.
He may not admit it but he really likes it! By calling him his special name, you are singling him out as a special person for you. He is the only one who gets to be called by that name and such exclusivity will definitely make anyone feel loved!
Say something nice in front of others, tell him how amazing he is. Acknowledge his skills around people who matter to him. It’s a great ego boost and will surely make him smile! Do you want to know how to make your boyfriend feel special with words? Compliment his appearance.
For example, “honey, you look so hot this morning, I can’t wait for you to get back into my arms from work”. Finally, no matter what you do ensure to compliment him with the truth. If he senses you are just trying to pump him up, then you might get yourself into a little hot water.
6. Give Him Your Support
tips on how To Make Your boyfriend Feel Loved
Knowing how to make your man feel special is not so hard after all! Every man wants a woman who shares in his vision. He wants a woman who will encourage his start-up business, hobbies, or going to the gym. Supporting you man is an important aspect of a relationship.
If you know he has certain passions in life, give encouragement. Be his support system, his courage, his inspiration. Motivate him to pursue his goals and dreams in life. If you want your man to feel extremely loved, then be his number one cheerleader.
There is nothing more heart-warming for a guy than seeing his only girl on the sidelines cheering for him and shouting her support from the top of her lungs. It is important to always have someone who has your back no matter what.
As the popular saying goes, “behind every successful man, there is a woman”. Be there for him through the highs and the lows in his life. Men sometimes don’t get lots of opportunities to express anxieties and feelings of vulnerability.
They often feel pressure to act like nothing ever worries them. They may even have been taught that showing vulnerability is a sign of weakness, so make sure he knows that you will always be there for him. Let him know that around you, he doesn’t have to be strong all the time.
Offering a hand to hold and a shoulder to cry on when things are not going well for him can make him feel like the most special guy in the universe and is a sure way on how to make your man feel special.
7. Gifting
Gift-giving is an act that has always been in existence since time immemorial. Gifting simply means to present someone with a gift and a gift is something given to another voluntarily or without charge. Giving your spouse gifts is one of the physical ways on how to make your man feel special.
When gifting, it does not matter what amount you spend on the gift, it doesn’t have to be costly, but a good gift is a close match to the taste and interest of the person it is given to. A cliche line is that it is the thought that counts.
Apart from being just a simple gesture of appreciation towards your man, giving the right gift can show just how much you care for, and understand them. A lifetime dedication to gift-giving will take your relationship to the next level.
A gift given without an occasion is more valuable than a gift given at an expected occasion, like a birthday or a wedding anniversary. Not to say that you shouldn’t remember anniversaries and birthdays, especially if your spouse expects you to, but the most valuable gifts are the one given just because; “I saw this and it reminded me of you”.
You could also make a personalized gift. It doesn’t have to be fancy, remember, gifts are not all about the price tag. The mere fact that you put together something with your own hands gives it an extra amount of sentimental value! It can be a knitted scarf or a painting you made.
Your man will definitely melt like ice cream on a hot day when he receives a personalized gift from you.
8. Pay Attention To What He Says
A friend once asked, is it possible to know how to make your man feel special without listening to him? The answer remains “NO”. Listening is at the core of good communication and closeness. Listening isn’t the same as hearing.
Hearing refers to the sound that enters the ears. It is a physical process that happens automatically. Listening, however, requires more than that. It requires focus and concentrated effort, both mental and sometimes physical as well.
It means paying attention not only to the story, but how it is told, the use of language, and voice and how the other person uses his body language. In other words, it means being aware of both verbal and non-verbal messages.
By paying attention and listening carefully when your partner speaks, you are telling him that you care about what he is saying. Listen without bias, listen lovingly.
When you are communicating with your man, it can be helpful to use loving gestures and body language to let him know you care about what he has to say. It can be as simple as holding eye contact and nodding to affirm what he is telling you.
You could reach out to touch him or hold hands. Turn your body towards him or even stop what you are doing and just sit with him if that’s what he needs. Listen generously. Your man needs the gift of your time and attention. The listening skill is a sacrosanct tool in knowing how to make your man feel special.
9. Seek For His Opinion
Every man needs to know that his opinion is valuable. Guys like fixing things and they often have wise (and realistic) insight into ways of overcoming challenges and problems. When you think of how to make your man feel special, wanted, and needed, seeking his opinion on any aspect of your concern can be a boost. It’s as simple as that!
By doing that, you show that you respect and value him enough to do something based on his judgment and opinion. And he can’t get a bigger boost than that. He’ll swell up with happiness and he’ll feel really good about himself within.
If you have an issue with a colleague or a friend, you could share it with your man and ask for his advice. Include your man when you make plans, ask his opinion on a project you are working on.
Let your spouse know the important role he plays, have played, and will play in your life and successes by always consulting and taking important decisions together.
Ask for help. Allow yourself to be vulnerable in front of him. As strong and capable as you are, let your guard down in front of him and let him see your vulnerable and soft side. Talk to him about the things that trouble you and make him realize just how much you need his support.
Ask his opinion on home decisions. Sometimes give him a few options for the dinner menu. Just listening and honoring his perspective paves the way for a more productive and loving conversation and is a sure way on how to make your man feel special and appreciated.
10. Show Care
Ways To Make Your Man Happy And Feel Loved
This is the final note on our tour on how to make your man feel special. Care as we know is the feeling of concern, responsibility, or love for someone. When you care for your man, you are interested in what they do and their well-being.
Asking questions like; how are you? How was your day? How are you feeling? What are you thinking? What’s going on for you? can spice up your man’s day. You could make a phone call to ask about his day at the office.
Doing little favors for him is another way to show your man that you care. If he’s having a busy week at work or just a rough day, then making the effort to help him out during his daily life could tell him how much you love him. Just the right favor at the right time can express your care.
Give him lots of love hugs. Even if he puts on a tough exterior. Every man is a soft soul inside and needs some loving trusting to envelop them in a big and long hug. These hugs are not limited to tiring days but also to happy days and any days in fact.
The essence of these hugs is that you are able to communicate your love and care without saying anything at all.
Give him a massage, keep things fresh in the bedroom. Making an effort to have a passionate and exciting time in the bedroom can make your man see that you really do care for him. You can also care for your man by being his companion, his confidante, and his lover.
When it’s hot, bring him a cold beverage unprompted. When it’s cold, bring him tea or hot chocolate. Be generous with your affection!
Wow! That was such a long ride about how to make your man feel special but finally, we’ve come to a stop. Do you have other ways of making your man feel special, loved, and respected? Have you tried any of the ways listed above? Well do tell me, I’ll be glad to hear from you in the comment section below!
A Dose Of Love For You:
Thanks for staying with me on this journey to this point! I appreciate all of you and you all own a special place in my heart. I hope that the few tips listed above will help someone out there in loving their man more and making him feel more special every day.
I want you to know that while all relationships are unique, no one can deny the impact these things have on creating a stronger bond and a deeper connection with each other. Xoxo, sending you all Love N’ Positivity from my corner on the globe. Stay Safe!
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