“Micro-cheating” That’s an interesting word isn’t it? When it comes to relationship, if your spouse sleeps with another woman without you knowing, I think we can all agree that this qualifies as cheating and is going to get him in trouble.
But what about flirting with a co-worker at work or Giving a compliment to a friend with a hint of sexual tension to it or just maintaining contact with your ex without your partner knowing, welcome to the gray area of micro-cheating.
What Is Micro-Cheating?
Micro-cheating is a new term for an old phenomenon, as with most words that are kinda put together like micro-cheating it will have a little bit different meaning from one person to another.
In my own opinion micro-cheating is doing something that may open a door to another relationship besides the one that you are in right now.
In other word micro-cheating takes the form of engaging in inappropriate behaviours or interactions that kinda dance on the knife egde of infidelity or full-blown cheating.
Micro-cheating if you’re in a relationship very easily can open a door to another relationship whether you intend for it or not. Here are some examples of micro-cheating you might not be aware of:
Examples Of Micro-Cheating You Aren’t Aware Of
1. Flirting On Social Media
If you’re in a relationship, you owe it to your spouse to avoid any playful or flirtatious conversations with someone else on social media platforms, as this is considered as micro-cheating. Even if you have never meet up in person.
2. Giving Your Number to A Stranger
If you meet someone new while out and about, and they ask for your phone number, your answer should be a resounding “No” if you’re in a relationship or marriage but If you choose to give out your number, you might be opening the door to micro-cheating.
3. You’re Still On Dating Apps
Keeping your dating app profiles active allows you to consider other options, which isn’t fair to your partner. You can easily count this as one of the micro-cheating examples.
4. Downplaying The Seriousness Of Your Relationship To Others.
Downplaying the fact that you have a significant other or in a relationship to someone you find attractive can most definitely be considered a form of micro-cheating.
5. Liking Or Commenting On Ex’s Photos Excessively.
6. Daydreaming About Being With Someone Other Than Your Partner.
7. Keeping A Close Friendship With Someone You Once Had Feelings For.
Staying in touch with an ex without your partner’s knowledge can be a sign of micro-cheating, as it may involve lingering feelings that could make your partner uncomfortable.
8. Hiding Text Messages Or Emails From Your Partner.
9. Seeking Emotional Support From Someone Other Than Your Partner.
10. Following Someone New On Social Media For The Sole Purpose Of Admiring Their Looks.
11. Feeling A Sense Of Excitement Or Butterflies When Thinking About Someone Other Than Your Partner.
12. Revisiting Past Relationships.
13. Texting Someone You’re Attracted To.
14. Confiding In An Ex About Your Relationship Issues
15. You Find Yourself Pursuing A Crush
16. Saying Things Like “If I Weren’t In A Relationship..”
17. Following Inappropriate Accounts On Any Social Media Platform
18. Hoping To Make Someone Notice You In A Romantic Way
19. You Have People Listed Under Fake Names Or Emojis In Your Phone.
Feeling the need to conceal the identity of someone with whom you’re communicating Is a clear that you really shouldn’t be talking to this person.
20. Licking Her Lips More Sensually Than Necessary When Eating Something Sticky Because She Knows She’s Being Watched By A Random Guy.
21. Making Physical Contact With Another Guy When It’s Totally Unnecessary
22. Laughing Hard At Some Jokes That’s Not Funny, Because Convincing A Man That He’s Hilarious Is The Most Effective Way To Flirt.
23. Letting A Guy She Interacts With Believe That He’s Got A Shot With Her.
24. Encouraging A Man To Complain About His Wife Or girlfriend And Validating Every Single One Of His Complaints Along The Way, Subtly Encouraging Him To Wonder Why He’s Not With Her Instead.
25. Winking Suggestively At A Man Who Catches Her Checking Him Out (Even If She Has No Intention Of Approaching Him Or Taking Things Any Further.)
26. Smiling Coquettishly When She Catches A Dude Checking Her Out, As If To Say He’s Got A Shot With Her.
27. Dressing To Impress A Guy Or Girl You Know You Are Going To Run Into At Some Point During The Day.
28. Holding A Gaze With A Stranger For Longer Than Usual.
29. Asking Someone Personal Or Inappropriate Questions
30. Giving Someone Else A Special Romantic Name Other Than Your Spouse.
In conclusion, micro-cheating may not seem as extreme as physical infidelity on it’s own, but it’s still damaging to trust and emotional security in a relationship and may open the door to full-blown cheating, so if you find yourself struggling with micro-cheating seek help from a professional.
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