People actually get into a relationship to experience love and be loved too, everyone who gets into a relationship hopes that it will be filled with love, respect, and endless heart-warming moments. Lovers are meant to relate to each other’s feelings, to understand how the other person feels about certain emotional things and why they do the things they do. Unfortunately for others, their experience is quite the opposite. They get into a relationship and later start to feel like the other person really could be nicer to them. In fact, they find out that their partners are just downright mean or too busy to give them some attention! It would really hurt especially after building up hopes in your heart that this might be the right one for you, only for him/her to disappoint you at some point in your relationship. When you find yourself in this kind of situation or dilemma, do not let it go on for much longer. Try and reason out why he/she is being nasty and deal with it immediately, don’t let it linger much…if you can. And if you can’t, then find a suitable way to deal with that also. The truth is that there is always a yes or no option which results to solution to every problem in life. In this case, it has to start with him/her. Do not forget that it takes a lot of work to make a relationship work. Here are some unique signs of a bad girlfriend you need to avoid:
1. WHEN YOU REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR PARTNERS EMOTIONS: As a good and caring girlfriend you ought to consider and put your partner’s emotion in your heart always, as he has always done towards you, and in a situation where she refuses to acknowledge his feelings and emotions, it means she’s trying to toy with your emotions, it only shows that the love is one-sided. And this is the reason why you have been asking yourself questions…why is my boyfriend so mean to me lately. He is so mean to you because he has realized that you have been playing with his emotions and feelings too. It is true that there is no genuine and perfect relationship without a couple of arguments every now and then, but if your boyfriend is being mean to you more often than he is nice to you, you definitely have a problem. It is left for you to mend your attitude towards him and become a lovable partner to him, or your relationship is going to crash.
WHEN SHE CAN’T APOLOGIZE OR LISTEN TO YOU: If a person who claims to love you cannot compromise, and apologize when she offends you or when you are angry or even refuses to listen to you when you talk to her, she is not a person who’s capable of actually handling a relationship in a healthy manner. Nothing you can say or do can fix this character flaw in your partner; that’s a sign of a bad girlfriend and she has to do it herself. That is if she is interested in the growth of the relationship. In any healthy relationship, both partners need to be able to communicate freely with one another. They also have to be able to admit their faults and make up for them. In a situation where she can’t listen to you or sees apologizing as to beneath herself, then she’s a bad girlfriend.
WHEN YOU DON’T TRUST YOUR PARTNER: Lovers are meant to trust, understand, and relate with each other’s feelings too, but if the reverse is the case. This is an early sign for you of her inadequacy and a sign that proves that you are a bad girlfriend to your partner. The question now is why date him…when you won’t even try to build or develop even a little trust for him. You are always suspicious of his movement even when you know that he is with his family and friends. Everybody needs to have their own friends; Even if they do it on a day that you’re busy with work in the office, you still have an issue in trusting him. This simply means that you’re unrealistic, selfish, and entitled to your own opinions, he might not have even given you a reason, but you always doubt his loyalty. If that should be the case, why date then? This truly is a sign of a bad girlfriend you either have to consider changing your behavior or changing your relationship.
WHEN SHE IS TOO CLINGY WITH EVERYTHING: In every relationship partners are always going to want to be with each other to spend quality time together, most especially at the peak of the relationship, but if she is so fond of being around you always without any privacy for individuals to coexist, she is always demanding special treatment, if all she says always involve herself alone, If she’s showing signs immediately that she cannot literally do anything without you, and steering every other thing to favor only her. This is unacceptable girlfriend behavior because it is going to cause a lot of problems in the future such as becoming jealous of someone who comes close to her partner. Though being jealous is good in a way but only to a certain extent. Some of these are very problematic and make you a bad girlfriend in a serious, mature, and loving relationship. Try to evaluate yourself, if you still value your relationship or have a hard time finding a serious relationship once this one ends.
WHEN YOU FLIRT WITH OTHER GUYS: When you flirt with someone else, It automatically makes you a cheater. There is no need to explain why this would make you a bad girlfriend. In your social media, you write single, even when you know that you are currently in a relationship, this will only make your boyfriend feel he has not been able to secure a good and loving relationship and it is very annoying too. Am not saying that your boyfriend pictures have to be in everything you post on your social media handle, At a certain point, doubt and insecurities can cause a lot of havoc in relationships, learn to be cautious of your actions and deeds, negligence to this simply means that you possess the signs of a bad girlfriend, because the foundation of every great and perfect relationship is based on how often you share and disclose secrets to each other.
WHEN SHE NEVER TAKES YOU SERIOUS: She never takes you seriously, even when you are dead serious, she does not listen nor even show any atom of care. This is a signs of a bad girlfriend. So, if you find out that your partner always dismisses your concerns, your struggles, or worries in life with comments like stop worrying or bothering yourself too much, it can do a lot of damage to your relationship than any good. This is a dismissive behavior in relationships. Whatever the reason may be, dismissal may make him even more upset. Though you may think you are actively engaged in the conversation, while you’re on your phone the entire time. So, when your partner seems to dismiss you by not listening to what you are saying, but instead she is busy texting and checking on her email or her social media comments, it only implies that your partner’s attention is not as important as whatever you are doing with your phone. Because your partner knows and understands that effective listening to your partner is essential for a healthy relationship.
WHEN SHE CANCELS DATES FREQUENTLY: Canceling date plans is not a big deal or a sin in relationships. Things are bound to come up at the die minutes. But ensure it is not consistent because it can blow your lover off balance, most especially when she calls you at the last minute to make excuse as to why she couldn’t come straight away or to even cancel the date, she might be doing it deliberately because she doesn’t want to be committed in the relationship or maybe she is not appreciating her time with you, or She also thinks there is something better to do. A good girlfriend would want to spend quality time with your loved ones and the people closest to you. It is also possible that you don’t like his friends or want to hang out with them yourself, it is best you give reasons instead of showing nonchalant attitudes towards your partner, by doing so you are worsening the situation. But if you have noticed that whenever you ask her to come to hang out with your loved ones, friends or to come for dinner with the family that she will always decline. This is definitely one of the signs of a bad girlfriend.
For the majority of people, who are in love, their relationships are filled with the love they desire, and those heartwarming moments they spent together going to eateries, parks, playing games, or watching films in the cinema, are always fresh in their memory and all they want is to be together forever as husband and wife and not to be far apart. Such is only possible when both partners put in the adequate effort and time to study, understand, and have learned to express their true feelings for each other. Then you promise your partner to share your life with them and be with them during the good and the bad times because you believe your love for each other is strong enough to see you through to the end. When all mentioned above is present in your relationship you can move to the next level of commitment (MARRIAGE). Why, because he/she will make a good wife or a good hubby. In a scenario where everything is the opposite, please don’t make the mistake of trying to move your relationship to the next level; it can’t work because the love is not on a balanced scale.
Then look out for the warning signs of a bad wife, bad wife traits, or bad wife signs
WHEN SHE LACKS COMMITMENT: Marriage is not to be rushed into because you are bound to rush out, if not properly handled. Before you decide to take a plunge, evaluate your future wife’s attitude towards commitment because marriage is a commitment of a lifetime. How about her attitudes towards her carrier, how committed she is in doing what she says she can do, or is it hairstyling today, tomorrow is fashion making. Though there is nothing wrong if she is at that stage of her life where she is trying different things to figure out the hidden gifts and talents, but is that the kind of stage you want your potential spouse to be in when you tie the knot if not there needs to stay and still study her to know if she is actually differencing her talents and gifts or just that she can’t really commit herself to a particular one. Then it’s a sure-shot sign that she’s not interested in making long-term commitments and not wife material. I mean, how can you plan a life with someone that can’t even plan what she’ll be doing next week, month, or even in a year.
IF SHE IS VERY MANIPULATIVE: If you observe that your lover can manipulate you into doing something that you don’t feel to do or committing to an action that, on reflection, you feel is wrong. Then it means you’ve been manipulated into making a choice that will benefit her alone at your own expense. This is a warning signs of a bad woman. It is natural for you to get angry or criticize yourself for having allowed her to outsmart you, try to calm down, and don’t overreact. Overreacting will only increase your distress, feel free in working through your struggles. Knowing this, you won’t have to wait for too long, investing so much time and effort into the relationship that will certainly not work. Finally,
SHE IS NEVER THERE FOR YOU: Relationship is all about watching each other’s back and being there for each other when it matters most in your partner’s life. No relationship can survive without companionship. You’re always there for your girlfriend when she’s going through a tough time. Only when it’s time for her to reciprocate your care and actions towards her, she is nowhere to be found. ? If so, you can’t date a girl who won’t be there for you when it really matters or who will not be yours in future, then why waste your money, resources, effort or time. Please leave her and have your peace of mind, because she is a bad girl.
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